

Articles about the Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse experience

2020 October - Capital Gazette - Jimmy Buffet visits and sings at the Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse

2020 October -"A Guiding Light" - David Gendell is a lifelong Chesapeake Bay sailor and cofounder of SpinSheet Magazine. He is also the author of 'Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse: A Chesapeake Bay Icon."

2020 August - Video Link - Chesapeake Bay Magazine - Renovations at Thomas Point Lighthouse to Last Another 40 Years

2020 March - "A Guiding Light" - Bob Stevenson, Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse Docent Training Coordinator is interviewed in the first half.  Gary Riemenscheider, who developed a large part of the educational material for the USLHS webpage is also featured.

2020 January - Soundings Magazine - Saving a Screwpile

2019 August - Maryland Matters - Supporters of Historic Lighthouse in the Bay Seek Community’s Support

2019 August - ABC 2 WMAR Baltimore - A beacon of light on the Bay - A tour of the Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse

2019 August - Capital Gazette - Chesapeake's historic Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse in need of repairs, funding to fix corroding steel

2019 August - WTOP - A Chesapeake Bay lighthouse is in trouble, but you can help

2019 June - WNAV Radio Story on FaceBook

2018 July - Bay Journal  - Thomas Point a beacon for mariners & historians alike

2017 June - Capital Gazette - Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse depends on volunteers, retirees to preserve its history

2015 October - "A Guiding Light" - John White, the first black man in command of a Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse returns for a tour and memories

2014 July - Chesapeake Bay Magazine - Restoring a Bay Icon

2014 July - Eye On Annapolis Visit the Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse for a unique perspective on the Bay

2014 July - Capital Gazette - Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse kicks off summer tours

2014 October - Annapolis Creative - Mornings in Annapolis - A Visit to Thomas Point Lighthouse

Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse Restoration Presidential Commendation - We are privileged to report that the U. S. Lighthouse Society and our Chesapeake Chapter were chosen to receive the Preserve America Steward Award, during the Society’s 25th anniversary year. The official letter from the White House designating us as a recipient was signed by Mrs. Bush on January 12, 2009

Thomas Point Shoal Article - Learn more about the history of the Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse in this article from our own Keeper's Log Magazine


The following is a video on Bob Stevenson, one of our loyal volunteers at the Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse